  • 头像
  • 76繁(龙山:台)
  • 级别
  • 徽章
  • 职务总版主
  • 声望+13
  • 积分2526
  • 经验129521
  • 文章2698
  • 注册2005-04-25
Proposal 提议

Dear fellows of Zeng family: 亲爱的宗亲们:

 Every country,every party and every county has its own records of its development. It is the same with every family. That is how all the families exist until now. Every family needs to own such essential books as are about the stories and histories of its own clan. These genealogies serve as bridges to the communications of all their own fellows as a result of the revised editions by several genealogies. Revising the genealogies is a great event in the long run of their development.

With the members increasing and branches multiplying, the clan has gone into disorder. Luckily enough, with the leadership of the well-known figure Guofan Zeng of the Middle Qing Dynasty,the genealogy of Zeng family enjoyed a nation-wide revision due to fourteen years’ hard work.. Thus, it can restore its order.

As we all know, time brings great changes to the world. Our Chinese people became involved in all kinds of troubles. In 1840, The Opium War began. Our country was invaded by the Japanese forces. The warlords were at wars with one another. Worse still, the ten years’ revoluntionaries of the cultures brought great changes to them. People have confusions between this generation and that one. Short of continued revisions for centuries, our genealogy is faced with disconnections.

In recent years, various genealogies are undergoing revisions. The people of our Zeng family tree are also working hard for this work . For example, Xianzi Zeng from Hongkong donated some 100 million yuan to the repairs of The Temple of Zeng people in Shandong. About 20 to 30 people including Xiangmao Zeng from De’an,Jiangxi,compiled the book The History of Zeng Family Tree and Its Famous People. Mr. Youqiao Zeng from a Hunan enterprise with the surname Zeng has published the book The Zeng Family Today.
近年来,许多家谱又再次得到重修.许多曾氏族人更是不懈余力的进行着这艰辛的工作.如香港的曾宪植 (音译)就捐了将近一仡圆修建位于山东的曾庙.在江西,有二三十人正积极的编辑着曾氏家谱的历史与名人.河南的曾有桥(音译)更出版了本”今日的曾家”.

Zeng family tree is among thousands of Chinese family trees. Besides, they are descendants of the past sages and men of virtue Zeng Zi. We should continue the glories moralities of our ancestors and be ashamed of falling behind others. If we failed to carry out the revision work, we will be laughed at by the later generations. We call for the people from all walks of life, the people with knowledge and ambitions to give your supports to this cause, to help this cause generously with money. All the Zeng family people, please contribute to this work heart and soul.

If you belong to this family tree, can you do your utmost?

To ______________

We would appreciate if you can communicate with others by copying, telephone and fax!
Contact:The Bureau of Foreige Trade Yangxin,Hubei Xiangxiaozeng   Post code:435200  
联系:   河北外经部贸, 曾祥萧(音译)  邮区 435200
Tel:0714—3976786  7326040
Zhou qiao Viuage,De’an,Jiangxi  Postcode:330405
江西, 邮区: 330405
Tel:0792—4631819   13307027580

  • 头像
  • 76繁(龙山:台)
  • 级别
  • 徽章
  • 职务总版主
  • 声望+13
  • 积分2526
  • 经验129521
  • 文章2698
  • 注册2005-04-25
哈! 多此一举.原来有中文原稿在隔壁!

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